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We regret to inform you that the Fashion Show planned for March has been cancelled. This is due to difficulties with the clothes provider and other local arrangements.

Parents Council has organised a Valentine Disco for our pupils next Thursday 14th February. The Disco for Primary 1 - Primary 4 pupils will be from 6.00pm to 7.15pm and for Primary 5 to Primary 7 pupils from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Children may bring a friend from another school if they are of primary school age. They will be responsible for their guests. Phil Shields is the DJ. Tickets at £1.50 each are available in school. There will be a Tuck Shop. Parents are asked to be punctual in collecting their children.

Half Term is Friday 15th February and Monday 18th February. (The next two weeks will be four-day weeks ie dinner money £6.60 for each week) Reports will be out on Thursday 14th February and school will finish for all pupils at 2.00pm on this date.

Parent interviews are now being held on one day, Thursday 21st February from 1.15pm onwards. School will close at 12.55pm on this date. There will be no buses available at this time.

On Wednesday 27th February Primary 7 pupils are going to the Ulster American Folk Park for a three day residential.

Tesco and Belfast Telegraph - We are collecting both Tesco and Belfast Telegraph tokens and would ask you to send in as many as possible. This will enable us to receive video recorders and CDs.

B B Evans
